
- Trust and Trustworthiness After Negative Random Shocks (2021) with Hernán Bejarana & Ismael Rodriguez Lara, Journal of Economic Psychology (working paper version, data)
- Is Voting for a Cartel a Sign of Cooperativeness? (2021), Games (pdf, data)
- Do Negative Random Shocks Affect Trust and Trustworthiness? (2018) with Hernán Bejarano & Ismael Rodriguez Lara, Southern Economic Journal (pdf)
- Leadership By Example in the Weak Link Game (2013) with Edward Cartwright & Mark van Vugt, Economic Inquiry (pdf)
- Selfish or Servant Leadership? Evolutionary Predictions on Leadership Personalities in Coordination Games (2011) with Edward Cartwright & Mark van Vugt, Personality and Individual Differences (pdf)
- Cartel Formation and Pricing: the Effect of Managerial Decision-making Rules (2010) with Arthur Schram & Joep Sonnemans, International Journal of Industrial Organization (pdf)
- The Tragedy of the Commons Revisited: The Importance of Group Decision-Making (2009) with Arthur Schram & Joep Sonnemans, Journal of Public Economics (pdf)

working papers
- When the rich do (not) trust the (newly) rich: Experimental evidence on the effects of positive random shocks in the trust game (2020) with Hernán Bejarana & Ismael Rodriguez Lara (data)
- Endogenous Leadership in a Coordination Game with Conflict of Interest and Asymmetric Information (2010) with Edward Cartwright & Mark van Vugt

in Dutch (and non-academic)
- De Heggenschaar van de Buurman (2015) We Are Public

phd thesis
- Groups in Economics

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